We were having such a great time. Lots of family, dancing, great food. But I hadn’t seen the bride to talk with her. I came around the corner and there she was on the balcony. The sun was setting behind her over the 18th green and it reflected off the lake. I just stopped and looked at her. It was magical.
Hermitage provides the perfect setting for your wedding, as well as an opportunity to enjoy your special day in rare privacy and beauty. Hermitage can accommodate weddings up to 300 people in elegant fashion. The Jefferson Hall and Williamsburg Terrace are ideal for rehearsal dinners and family celebrations.
Gourmet meals prepared by the Club’s talented culinary team will impress even the most discerning palate. All reception and dinner menus are customized to the occasion by the wishes of the event host. We pride ourselves on creating fresh, unique, and delicious meals for each and every wedding. Casual dining offerings, and farewell brunches, provide the perfect choice for rehearsal dinners and entertaining out of town guests.